Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Public Health


HRQOL, quality of life, students, COVID-19


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic affected a wide array of sectors including the academe. The transition to remote learning poses additional challenges as college students are considered particularly vulnerable with the COVID-19 pandemic having a significant negative impact on them. This study seeks to further elucidate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Health-Related Quality of Life on one of the presumably vulnerable populations – the Physical Therapy Students.

Methods: This quantitative, cross-sectional study is guided by the Ferrans and Colleagues’ Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) model. A 45-item Research Instrument was made from adapting the questions and variables stated in related literatures and modifying them to match the objectives of this study. For the data analysis, Ordinal Logistic Regression, Wald-Chi Square test, and Likelihood ratio Chi-Square test were used.

Results: The data was gathered from the 77 participants aged 19-24 among 2nd year to 4th year PT students from DLSMHSI. The statistical models showed that the overall HRQoL can be affected by place of residence (p<.005), health perception (p <.026), supervision in academic outputs (p<.047), age (p<.027), mood (p<.033), adequacy of technological devices (p<.028), year level (p<.015), family structure (<.033), activity level (p<.038), sex (p<.006), intrusion experienced while having class (p<.034), and exposure to COVID (p<.005). Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that majority of the respondents have greater perceived impact of the pandemic on their quality of life. The significant predictors to the overall HRQoL include presence of COVID-19 infection, age, sex, family structure, place of residence, year level, adequacy of technological devices, adequate supervision in academic outputs, intrusions experienced while having class, activity level, health perception, and mood.

First Advisor

Lester M. Tan
