Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


bi-weekly class schedule, block schedule, academic performance, perceived effects


Class scheduling plays an extensive role in how well students do in school. However, due to the pandemic, numerous kinds of class schedules were implemented. The bi-weekly class schedule divides each synchronous session into four and is held once every two weeks, depending on whether it is an odd or even week. Previous studies have not shown how specifically the bi-weekly class schedule affects a student’s academic performance but have shown studies on the effects of general class schedules, effects between traditional class schedules and block schedule, and does only study among college students to a one course/subject only. Furthermore, this study focuses on the experiences and perceived effects on the academic performance of DLSMHSISHSSHS Grade 12 students of 2022-2023 with the bi-weekly class schedule. The study utilized a qualitative-descriptive method and quota sampling technique to determine the satisfaction levels of the chosen sample that represents a population. The data collected were tabulated and interpreted using thematic analysis to process codes and develop themes. The study developed five themes: routine changes, effects, experiences, advantages, and disadvantages, with the bi-weekly class schedule affecting the student’s overall academic performance. It is suggested that a pilot test or dry run of this type of class schedule should be done first before implementation and give an alternative solution to the negative outcomes of this class schedule.

First Advisor

Irma M. Penalba
