Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


LGBT community, Filipino, families, Catholicism, acceptance


In a world full of brilliant colors and diverse experiences, it is important that we recognize the richness of human diversity. This qualitative research study explores the challenges experienced by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community when coming out to their Catholic Filipino families. The study aims to shed light on the unique dynamics and socio-cultural factors that influence the process of disclosure and the subsequent acceptance or rejection faced by LGBT individuals within this specific context. Drawing upon indepth interviews and thematic analysis, ten (10) Catholic LGBT individuals residing in the Philippines and are members of the LAYA Organization were interviewed to gather rich and nuanced insights into their experiences. Findings revealed that the intersection of Catholicism and Filipino cultural values significantly influences the coming-out process for LGBT individuals. Several common challenges emerged, including fear of rejection and isolation, religious conflicts, and societal expectations of conformity. The researchers aim to promulgate equality, inclusion, and acceptance.

First Advisor

John Laurence T. Legaspi
