Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12




Experiencing death during the COVID-19 pandemic is sudden. It is accompanied by many restrictions and challenges that may affect people’s way of grieving and its effect on their day-to-day lives.

With this, the researchers developed a curiosity to further investigate the topic. The study aimed to discover the phenomena that bereaved individuals experience, determine the challenges that they have encountered or are encountering, and identify their coping mechanisms. This study also focused on the grieving experience of people in the working-age population to know how their grief affects their work performance.

The sample consisted of three (3) participants who are residing in Cavite, have a loved one who died due to COVID-19, are included in the working-age population (15-64), and are currently employed. The researchers were able to gather the desired number and profile of the participants.

After data gathering and analysis, it was found that grief is multifaceted and varies from person to person. Some participants showed similarities in their attitudes, behaviors, emotions, visitation, or health restrictions experienced, and financial situations. While others also experienced a slight difference from what most of them underwent when they lost their loved ones, particularly their spouses. Moreover, their work experience was also affected, making anger management issues and loneliness more evident. Although the participants struggled, they still developed coping strategies that helped them. These instances gave them consolation and fostered a sense of comfort and empowerment in the face of adversity as solo parents and working individuals.

First Advisor

Joan Mariz D. Saramines
