Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Climate Change, Senior High School Students, Mixed-Method, Mitigation Practices, High Level of Knowledge, Government Response


The research study, "Senior High School students' awareness and understanding of climate change impacts and mitigation strategies" which is a mixed-method, aimed to explore the perceptions and level of understanding of the Senior High School learners of De La Salle Medical Health Sciences Institute concerning climate change, government response, mitigation practices, and information dissemination of climate change education in the Philippines. Survey questionnaires were utilized using Climate Change Knowledge Test (CCKT) scoring protocol and thematic analysis for open-ended questions about the government response and mitigation practices. Findings from the quantitative data analysis revealed that the majority of the respondents have a high level of knowledge on the various domains of climate change, especially concerning its causes and mitigation practices. This implies that knowing the root causes of climate change enables students to become knowledgeable on how to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, three themes, namely: Government Response, Mitigation Practices, and Information Dissemination were obtained from the qualitative data, each with their respective subcategories derived from an array of responses, based on their shared perceptions indicating that most of the respondents had significant knowledge of the concept of climate change as well as the government's response to this phenomenon.

First Advisor

Irma M. Penalba
