"The influences of social media on the study habits of the students of " by Jason Brandon D. Acosta, Marianne Joy C. Amonsot et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Social Media, Study Habits


Using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, has accelerated the information technology progress in this contemporary period. However, previous studies about social media effects on students indicates that social media is linked to internet addiction and causes distraction to students. This research focuses on the influences of social media on the study habits of the students of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute Special Health Sciences Senior High School A.Y. 2022-2023. To gather enough information about how students see social media as a platform for their education and how it affects their study habits, the researchers conducted an interview. Ten students from DLSMHSI-SHSSHS were randomly chosen as study participants.

Social media as a tool for education has both beneficial and negative effects on students' study habits. Participants stated that using social media as a platform for their studies makes it easy for them to access the information they need, encourages visual learning through the videos provided on social media, and encourages peer involvement, which enables students to communicate with one another through websites like Facebook so they can exchange ideas about the subject. Some participants noted that it helps with task management, while others had trouble using online platforms. However, social media can be a source of Misinformation and a distraction from their academics because of its prolonged use. Additionally, this research can help students, teachers, parents, and institutions deal with social media use as a platform for academics for students.

First Advisor

Don Anthony E. Tayco
