The role of academic validation in selected nursing graduates (Batch 2020-2021)

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


academic achievement, academic validation, academic pressure, academic stress, nursing graduates


Grades are important to most students, especially in the Philippines, where Academics are ingrained in their culture. Academic validation happens when students base their worth as individuals on the numbers on their report cards. This phenomenon is frequently observed among students but is often overlooked, including its negative impacts. Several studies mentioned that academic validation can lead to pressure, stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues; however, current studies primarily highlight academic validation and its positive association with other variables. This study investigates the experiences, the different factors, and the various effects of academic validation on Nursing students in the Philippines. This qualitative descriptive study reveals positive and negative academic validation consequences: growth, improved self-esteem, pressure, disappointment, dissatisfaction, and anxiety. This study concludes that while academic validation has a negative impact on one's health, students can use their experiences to create a better mindset and approach not only in their studies but also in life.

First Advisor

Irma M. Penalba

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