"Time management practice “pomodoro technique” and its significance to " by Alura M. Dominguez, Kurt Asia M. Polintan et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


Pomodoro technique


The researchers came to a number of conclusions about the time management technique known as the Pomodoro technique and its importance to the students of De La Salle Medical Health Sciences Institute- Special Health Sciences Senior High School based on the survey results provided by the senior high school students of De La Salle Medical Health Sciences Institute- Special Health Sciences Senior High School. In this study, the researchers' main findings are discussed. Due to COVID-19, this study is confined to only people who have or employ the time management practice approach known as the Pomodoro Technique. An experimental group was not possible. Despite the fact that the survey indicated that a huge number of respondents were productive in their own right without using the Pomodoro approach. However, the study found that the system had a substantial impact on their productivity: adopting the time management practice method considerably enhanced their output quality, time management, note-taking, motivation, focus, and overall productivity, according to the results of the survey. Furthermore, the research team believes that if the Pomodoro strategy increases productive features in students, it can be utilized to develop productive traits in those who lack them.

First Advisor

Nancy L. Deluta
