"Measuring the interpersonal communication skills of selected Grade 12 " by Robbejoy P. Enriquez, Anne Margarette A. Onday et al.

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Grade 12


measuring, interpersonal communication skills, HBALM program, listening, conversing, reading


Due to the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, the De La Salle Medical Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI) implemented the Home-Based Alternative Learning Modalities (HBALM) program for learning to continue. Having so, this study aims to measure the Interpersonal Communication Skills of selected Grade 12 students in a HBALM program at DLSMHSI in terms of listening, conversing, reading, and composing messages/texts. An online survey questionnaire was utilized to determine the level of agreement of 213 respondents. Results found that the students have a satisfactory level of listening, with a mean of 3.82 (SD = 0.533); good level in conversing, having a mean of 4.31 (SD = 0.516); proficient in reading, with an overall mean of 4.28 (SD= 0.545); and proficient in composing messages/texts, with a mean of 4.38 (SD = 0.541). The results showed that the implementation of the HBALM program has a positive impact on Grade 12 students' Interpersonal Communication skills, with their listening skills being the most affected and their ability to compose texts/messages being the least. Researchers recommend conducting the study with an actual test instead of surveys, securing more respondents early, and conducting the study in a physical setup.

First Advisor

Teresita Pineda
