"A retrospective cohort study of the association of migratory and local" by Patricia Juliet Leabres, Claudine Malaca et al.

A retrospective cohort study of the association of migratory and locally working parents with the usage of vices of first and second year medical students of DLSHSI SY 2013-2014

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Community Medicine


Migration, Medical Students, Work, Parents


This was an analytical and retrospective cohort study. A self-administered questionnaire was used as the primary tool in data collection acquired from 350-400 students. The data obtained was analyzed using Chi-square test. From the data gathered, 182 (+8%) of students, out of 376 respondents, have at least one parent working abroad while 194 (51%) have both parents working locally; 153 out of 182 students with at least one parent working abroad, were vice users while 29 were non-vice users at the time the survey was conducted; out of 194 students with both parents working locally, 167 were vise users while 27 were non vice users. The computed risk ratio of 0.9766 suggested that the association between migration of parents and vices of students was protective. In addition to that, results from the P-value 0.43 of vice usage in students with parents working abroad, suggested that there was no relationship between vice usage of students and with parents working overseas versus working locally.

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