"A case-control study on the relationship between the amount of aerobic" by Hannah Nicole Del Prado, Akio Emmanuel Frias et al.

A case-control study on the relationship between the amount of aerobic exercise and the ability to retain short term information of senior high students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, S.Y. 2016-2017

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Community Medicine


Exercise, Memory, Short-Term


This study employed an analytical, observational, and case control research design where Senior High School students who have high and low percentile of short-term retention ability (29 from the upper 50% or those with high short-term retention ability and another 29 from the lower 50% or those with high short-term retention ability and another 29 from the lower 50% or those with low short-term retention ability) were identified using simple random sampling. Self-administered questionnaire and an adapted test for the determination of the amount of exercise and the short-term retention ability of the students were utilized as the method for data collection. Odds ratio was computed to determine the association between the odds of the SHS who have high amount of exercise among those who have high ability to retain short term information and the odds of SHS who have less amount of exercise among those who have less ability to retain short term information. The results showed that there was significant relationship between the amount of aerobic exercise and short-term memory retention of DLSHSI Senior High School students. The computed p-value of 0.035, signified that the amount of aerobic exercise effects the short term information retention of the students. The study yielded results of 34.60% of the students having high amounts of exercise who were found to have high memory retention ability while 62.50% of the students with lesser amounts of exercise where shown to have high ability to retain information. It can be concluded that the Senior High School students of DLSHSI with less exercise have a higher ability to retain short-term information that the students who have more exercise.

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