"Relationship between average hours of sleep and consecutive duty hours" by Age Faith Deocampo, Kathleen Emacio et al.

Relationship between average hours of sleep and consecutive duty hours with regrets in medical management among medical residents of DLS-UMC in Dasmarinas City, Cavite, S.Y. 2016-2017

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Community Medicine


Sleep Deprivation, Hours of Labor, Fatigue, Physicians


Cross-sectional type of research was done. In this study, the population were the 70 medical residents of DLSUMC. It utilized sampling method since the population was already small. The researchers utilized a self-constructed questionnaire and a 6-item Kessler-6 Psychological Distress Scale to assess the psychological status that were answered by the respondents. Data was analysed using frequency and percentage distribution, and chi-square. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there was no sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a relationship between the average hours of sleep and consecutive duty hours with regrets in medical management of the responding medical residents of DLSUMC. Other risk factors stated in the study such as age, gender, civil status, work shifts, workload, psychological status as well as working environment showed insignificant relationship with regard to regrets in medical management.

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