"The relationship between asthma and body mass index (BMI) of first yea" by Mari Fe L. Malaluan, Rowena T. Nuqui et al.

The relationship between asthma and body mass index (BMI) of first year and second year medical students in DLSHSI SY 2012-2013

Date of Completion


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Community Medicine


Asthma, Body Mass Indext, Medical Students


The study utilized a cross-sectional type of research. The respondents in the study were the male and female 1st year and 2nd year medical students of the De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. The respondents were chosen using simple random sampling. The respondents answered self-administered questionnaires which were collected on the same date. Data was analysed using frequency, prevalence ratio, and chi-square. The study concluded that association between asthma and body mass index was noted on the respondents. First year and second year medical students of DLSHSI with body mass index of below or above normal are more likely to develop asthma than first year and second year medical students with normal body mass index.

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