"A systematic review : effectiveness of social skills training in impro" by Kathrine Joanne A. Agunod, Therese Dianne R. Baquer et al.

A systematic review : effectiveness of social skills training in improving pragmatics of children in middle childhood with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Speech Language Pathology


Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Skills, Child


The study is a systematic review of the effectiveness of Social Skills Training (SST) in improving the pragmatics of children in middle childhood with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It aimed to determine SST's effectiveness, specific social skills that improved and effective strategies used in SST. Thirty one (31) journals from EBSCO Information Services database were analyzed based on ASHA quality indicators of journals. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to describe the characteristics of each study and narrative synthesis was employed to combine and appraise the journals. Three (3) journals indicated specific social skills that improved while the other six (6) studies indicated overall social skills improvements. The strategies indicated in the selected journals were the following: social skills group (parent-mediated, peer-mediated, teacher-mediated), play (such as role-play, cooperative play, free-play, board games), video-modelling, social stories and problem solving exercises. Social skills training improved pragmatics of children in middle childhood with ASD. The improved skills indicated in the journals were adaptability skills to change, confidence, opening up more to others, engaging more in groups, handling of feelings in terms of being patient, more cooperative and accepting during games, better identification of requests, being more responsive during a communicative partner's requests and engaging in less conflict, ability to recognize anger and overall social skills improvement.

First Advisor

Ma. Freya T. Carungcong

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