"Assessment of Barangay Health Center programs in Rosario, Cavite" by Franz Allan C. Barol, Jade Dhal F. Bitancur et al.

Assessment of Barangay Health Center programs in Rosario, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology


Community Health Centers


The study used the descriptive survey method. The respondents were 105 health workers and volunteers in the different health centers in Rosario, Cavite selected through simple random sampling. A self-made questionnaire was used to gather data. Statistical techniques applied were analysis of variance, frequency, mean, standard deviation and t-test for independent samples. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) Majority of the respondents were 41-50 years old, female, college graduate, had monthly income of P5,000.00 pesos and below, volunteer, married and from Ligtong III; (2) The Expanded Program in Immunization had the highest assessment while the Malaria Control Program had the lowest assessment among the barangay health center programs in Rosario, Cavite; (3) The respondents’ assessment of the barangay health center programs in Rosario, Cavite was fair; (4) There was no significant difference in the assessment of the respondents on barangay health center programs when grouped according to age, monthly income, civil status and educational attainment. On the other hand, significant differences were noted when the respondents were grouped according to employment status, employment location and gender.

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