"Level of satisfaction of radiologic technology students on the college" by Mark Leonel F. Batuto, Ariane Rae N. Espino et al.

Level of satisfaction of radiologic technology students on the college services during academic year 2010-2011

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology


Students, Radiologic Technology, Personal Satisfaction, College Services


Descriptive method was employed in this study. The respondents were 375 radiologic technology students selected using stratified random sampling. Data was obtained using a self-made questionnaire and treated using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test or ANOVA. The study concluded that, 1) Most of the respondents were below 20 years old, female, second year level, had regular enrollment status, living at home with the family, considered BS Radiologic Technology as their first choice of course and had good academic GPA; 2) The area of curriculum obtained satisfied to moderate extent rating due to low mean score of relevance and arrangement of subjects. Both areas of faculty and staff and physical facilities and equipment obtained satisfied to a great extent rating which could be attributed to the outstanding teaching performance of the faculty members and good condition of school facilities. However, there were two (2) items under physical facilities and equipment (number of classrooms and up-to-datedness of computers) and one (1) item under faculty and staff (consultation hours of the professor) obtained a rating of satisfied to a great extent; 3) The level of satisfaction on the respondents on the college services had no significant difference when the respondents were grouped according to age, gender, current residence, course choice and GPA. However, there was a significant difference when the respondents were grouped according to year level and type of student. The level of satisfaction tends to increase with year level and the regular students were more satisfied than irregular students. Fourth year students had been using the mentioned services for more than three years as compared to the first, second and third year students. Regular students were using these services more frequently as compared to the irregular students.

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