"A study of knowledge, attitude, and expectations of patients with mech" by Lee Mark M. Chavez, Cristina A. Chiong et al.

A study of knowledge, attitude, and expectations of patients with mechanical low back pain on their adherence to physical therapy treatment

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Low Back Pain, Treatment Adherence and Compliance, Physical Therapy


This is a descriptive survey research using total enumeration sampling. The study population was the patients with mechanical low back pain who are 35-64 years old and currently undergoing physical therapy treatment in DLSUMC, St. Paul Hospital, PT Clinic and General Emilio Aguinaldo Memorial Hospital. The tools used were formulated, modified and face validated survey questionnaires to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, their knowledge about the mechanical low back pain and corresponding physical therapy interventions, type of attitude and treatment expectations about the outcome and return to doing their ADLs and adherence to their regular physical therapy sessions. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution. The results of this study are the following: (1) most of the patients have an unsatisfactory grade, moderate in attitude, and have high expectations; (2) knowledge, attitude and expectations of patients with MLBP did not have an effect in the adherence of patient to physical therapy treatment sessions.

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