"Domain of functional affectation and profile of children with special " by Immanuel C. Cristobal, Christel Erika S. De Guzman et al.

Domain of functional affectation and profile of children with special needs in the selected barangay of 2nd and 3rd district of Cavite (research locale set B)

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Disabled Children, Affective Symptoms


This quantitative study was conducted to determine the profile of children with special needs in the research locale in terms of age, gender, education, economic status, non-monetary support system, rehabilitative and educational services received. Categorizations of the children with special needs were based on their functional domain of affection which consisted of the cognitive/perceptual, speech, language and communication, psychosocial,

psychomotor, sensory and self-help. This a survey type of research with a retrospective design in order to determine the population of children with disabilities ages 0-21. Total enumeration was used for measuring all members registered in PDAO list. Snowball technique was used by the Barangay Health Worker (BHW) in gathering the unidentified or unregistered in the PDAO list but considered as children with special needs. This study adapted the questionnaires released from the College of Rehabilitation Sciences. Frequency distribution was used to tabulate the questions answered from the survey particularly the demographic profile, socio-economic profile, educational and services profile, rehabilitative services profile and domain functional affectation of CSN. The age and gender of each child was listed in numerical order from youngest to oldest according to human growth and development range to determine the frequency from their respective Barangay. Most CSN’s were aged 6-11 years old followed by 12-14 years old. There were more males for both Bacoor and Imus who had disabilities/special needs as compared to females. There were more CSN’s in Malagasang since they composed the greatest population among other barangays from the said municipality. Most families living with a child with special needs had a monthly family income of Php5,000 or less. Both Bacoor and Imus families with CSNs belong to the middle income bracket with most of them under the low bracket. In terms of non-monetary support, majority of the respondents answered that they were receiving support. In terms of educational profile and services provided, both Bacoor and Imus were considered out-of-school since most of them are not studying. In terms of medical services, there were more children seen by a medical doctor for both Bacoor and Imus, and most of them have a diagnosis. In terms of rehabilitative services, there were less children who received services of physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and other rehabilitation professionals from both Bacoor and Imus. Most of the children had no difficulty in cognitive/perceptual function and in psychosocial domain. In terms of physical domain, more children had poor body physique, were frequently getting sick, had exhibit limb deformities and had poor endurance under both municipalities of Bacoor and Imus. Approximately 1/3 of the population from both Bacoor and Imus had difficulty in psychomotor domain. In terms of sensory domain, only few children had impairments in both vision and hearing.

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