"Validity and reliability of a Filipino translation of Oswestry Disabil" by Arvin B. Arcagua, Maragarita H. Calvin et al.

Validity and reliability of a Filipino translation of Oswestry Disability Index among chronic low back pain patients in affiliated clinics of DLS-HSI CRS in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Low Back Pain


This is a descriptive type of study using purposive sampling that involved a total of 10 patients with chronic low back pain, medically diagnosed with mechanical origins from selected affiliated rehabilitation centers of DLS-HSI CRS in Cavite who were chosen as respondents. A research-made questionnaire was utilized to determine patients’ demographics, known language and clinical profile. Another tool used was the Oswenstry Disability Index to give information as to how back pain is affecting a patient’s ability to manage in everyday life. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution and Cronbach’s alpha. Results showed that patients had musculoskeletal chronic low back pain, mainly from idiopathic causes, who ranged from 18-67 years old, with equal prevalence on both male and female. Results also showed that 50% of patients just had sufficient knowledge with the English language and with an extensive knowledge in Filipino. Results of face validity showed that the tool is valid for use in the clinical settings, while results of reliability showed that the tool is highly reliable with internal consistency score of Cronbach’s alpha=0.954. Overall, the results showed that the Filipino translation of Oswestry Disability Index possessed satisfactory psychometric properties both in terms of validity and reliability and could be used for musculoskeletal chronic low back pain patients in the clinical setting in the Philippines.

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