"Relationship between the emotional intelligence and academic performan" by Josephine L. Aranda, Daian Rose G. Autria et al.

Relationship between the emotional intelligence and academic performance of physical therapy students in the professional education level of DLSHSI S.Y. 2012-13

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Emotional Intelligence, Academic Performance, Physical Therapy, Students


The research design used is cross-sectional, analytic research design using 30-item Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. A total number of 212 3rd and 4th year students who satisfied the given inclusion criteria were included in this study. No sampling method was used since all respondents who qualified the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. Data was analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean and multiple linear regression. The results revealed that an increase 1.48 of the emotional intelligence will have a 1.48 increase in the general weighted average of the students controlling for the effect of age, living arrangement, and socio-economic status. The researchers conclude that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance using their GWA but the relationship will only be significant based on age, living arrangement and socioeconomic status of the student.

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