A qualitative study on the experiences and multi-strategies in expanding digital health promotion (DHP) of sports physical therapists practicing in the Metropolitan Manila region

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy


Digital Health Promotion


Digital Health Promotion (DHP) grew with technological improvements and accessibility, allowing more opportunities to obtain information and services globally. The Philippine government and institutions have recognized the potential of digital platforms to positively impact health outcomes, leading to the establishment of numerous initiatives that encourage DHP. Communities and professionals are adopting this to connect with clients, offer personalized interventions, and promote wellness, fostering a holistic approach to healthcare within specific contexts. Full-time Metropolitan Manila Sports Physical Therapists (PTs) that worked for at least one (1) year during the COVID pandemic in a public or private institution have embraced DHP as a successful means to expand their influence. This research aims to explore the experiences and strategies of the selected population to recognize the distinct features of DHP’s expansion. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design to provide a comprehensive understanding regarding the expansion of DHP. The participants were obtained using purposive and snowball sampling. An interview was conducted with five (5) individuals using a semi-structured guide. Braun and Clarkes Thematic Analysis Method was utilized to identify the emerging themes and subthemes namely the positive aspect such as flexibility in care delivery and the negative aspect such as internet connectivity issues in their experiences. Furthermore, platforms such as social media, and methods such as synchronous and asynchronous were implemented as strategies. This presented that the main benefit DHP brought was the encouragement of health education and awareness, and that the participants preferred the use of asynchronous methods. In conclusion, DHP is considered an effective approach to clients especially in times of crisis despite the challenges that was encountered with its implementation, considering that it allows PTs to continue performing their roles to society.

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