"Quality of life of cerebral palsy patients as reported by actual clien" by Mikhaela M. Corcuera, Ciara B. Dipon et al.

Quality of life of cerebral palsy patients as reported by actual clients and primary caregivers : a qualitative descriptive case study

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Cerebral Palsy, Quality of Life


This is a qualitative descriptive case group study using a self-made questionnaire. To be able to meet the objectives, this study included the cerebral palsy patients aged 5-18 years old and their primary caregivers seeking therapy within the CRS Pediatric Satellite Facilities. Respondents were asked to answer the socio-demographic profile and PedaQL (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory) Generic Core Scale. Data was analyzed through frequency, percentage and mean. As seen from the results of the group, it could be implied that primary caregivers report lower perceptions of the child’s QoL in relation to the child’s own perception. Moreover, by assessing the scores of the individual domain of quality of life namely physical, emotional, social and school, it is seen that the primary caregivers also report lower perceptions of quality of life for these individual domains as compared to the child self-reports. It is important to note that while whenever possible, the child with disability’s own perspective should be directly solicited. Equal attention and merit should be also be given to the primary caregiver’s proxy-report of HRQoL. To do otherwise will remove the opportunity to use any disagreement as the basis for a therapeutic discussion about the contributing dynamics in parent-child dyad.

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