Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy


Yoga, Athletes, College Students


Collegiate athletes are likely to experience more types of stress due to their busy schedules as they not only have roles in school, but are also involved in athletic responsibilities, compared to non-athletes. Unfortunately, recovery is often overlooked, minimized or deemphasized. Although performance enhancement is an inherent feature of sport, so too should be the optimization and enhancement of elite athletes’ psychological health and well-being. Thus, through a descriptive quantitative research designed study, the researchers were able to determine the level of acceptance of yoga as 35 moderately to highly stressed college athletes from DLSMHSI through a provided questionnaire following the seven constructs of acceptability by Sekhon M. et al (2017). The researchers followed an inclusion criterion consisting of: age range of 16 to 25 years old, a student within a college of DLSMHSI, and must belong to a varsity team (e.g. basketball, volleyball, badminton, and swimming). The primary data obtained from the survey questionnaire went through data analysis, wherein data is decided whether total scores ranged within 47 to 104, which is interpreted as “low acceptability”, 105 to 133, which is categorized as “medium acceptability”, and 134 to 163 as “high acceptability." As to the results the researchers obtained and analyzed, thus shows that there is a high acceptability for a yoga program for college athletes overall. Specifically, the average score of 136.6 is within the score range of 134 to 163. Therefore, it can be concluded that a yoga program among collegiate athletes in DLSMHSI is highly acceptable, and future recommendations for a yoga program is possible.

First Advisor

Kalvin Velazco
