"Level of awareness on screening procedures related to breast cancer am" by Kristofer Jobert Baldeo, Kimberly Molato et al.

Level of awareness on screening procedures related to breast cancer among women in selected barangays in Gen. Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Breast Cancer


This research design utilized the quantitative descriptive method. The study was conducted among 150 women in selected barangays in Gen. Mariano Alvarez, Cavite. The researchers used purposive sampling in choosing the respondents. The tool used was adapted and modified and data was analysed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, f-test, and t-test. The following conclusions formulated were: (1) majority of the respondents of the study belonged to the age group of 36-45 years old, married, and was not able to continue their education higher than high school level, and housewives who may be dependent on others for source of living with no family history of breast cancer: (2) Overall, majority of women regardless of age, civil status, family history of breast cancer and monthly family income have moderate awareness on screening procedures does not affect the level of awareness of the respondents on breast cancer screening procedures. On the other hand, educational attainment and employment status significantly affected the level of awareness on Breast Cancer Screening Procedures. The higher the education attained, the more knowledge and awareness the person will have regarding the disease while being employed gave the respondents more opportunity for informative resources thus increasing awareness regarding breast cancer and its diagnostic and preventive measures.

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