"Perception of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing students batch 2010 in " by Archieval Ryan W. Bautista, Remney S. Esguerra et al.

Perception of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing students batch 2010 in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute of effectiveness of memory enhancers as aid in learning process

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Learning, Memory


This study utilized a descriptive type of research using quantitative analytical method. The respondents of the study were 53 selected BSN students from Batch 2010 in DLSHSI who used memory enhancers for the last three (3) months. This study utilized purposive sampling in which researchers identified the respondents of the study based on the criteria. The researchers utilized a self-made questionnaire using the Likert scale of 1 to 5. The tool consists of 13 declarative statements regarding the perception of BSN students Batch 2010 in DLSHSI on the effectiveness of memory enhancers as aid in learning process. The following measures were used to answer the specific problems and to test the hypothesis of the study: frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test and f-test. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) Most of the respondents were female, Catholic and belong to a family whose monthly income is Php30,001 and above; 2) The results showed a high positive perception based on the statistical data gathered. Majority of the respondents believed that memory enhancers are effective aid in learning process; 3) Based on the data gathered, there were no significant differences in the level of perception of regarding the effectiveness of memory enhancers when grouped according to gender, religion and monthly family income. This shows that these variables do not affect their perception regarding memory enhancers.

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