"The world within : a symbolic interaction involving staff nurses at a " by Cerene Faye T. Besa, Jose Miguel C. Buhay et al.

The world within : a symbolic interaction involving staff nurses at a Medical Surgical Unit of De La Salle University Medical Center

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurses, Nurse-Patient Relations, Communication, Surgical Nursing


Symbolic interactionism as the qualitative research approach was used in the study. The type of sampling method used in the study was purposive sampling. In the study, staff nurses selected in DLSUMC 1300 were the participants and the source of primary data aside from the actual observation on the natural setting by the researchers. The participants consisted of eight (8) staff nurses, five (5) females and three males who were already working for ten months up to five (5) years in the institution. The analysis of data involved three (3) steps, namely: 1) description, 2) analysis, 3) interpretation. This study concluded that symbolic interaction reflects the combination of different interactions to which staff nurses were able to participate in. Inanimate objects consistently present in the ward such as their scrub suit, chairs, computer screen saver and nurse’s notes were given meanings exclusive to the staff nurses in UMC 1300. The portrayal of staff nurses to different roles became significant in the efficiency of the ward. Unscripted and unrehearsed interactions initiated by staff nurses eventually lead to the general performance of the Medical-Surgical Unit. Staff nurses as interactionists in the social world were able te espond to the presenting dillemmas in the ward. Nonetheless, consciously done interactions in response to the present phenomena also led to the enhanced UMC 1300 as a social unit. The present crisis, which is exclusive and persistent in the unit, can only be unveiled with the aid looking into its social interaction.

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