"Relationship between the frequency of performing invasive nursing proc" by Jabe Edrian Q. Belostrino, Joza Scherique G. Gerona et al.

Relationship between the frequency of performing invasive nursing procedure and the level of self confidence of third year nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nursing students.


The descriptive-correlational method of research was employed in this study. A total of one hundred ninety-four (194) third year nursing students participated in the study. A self-made questionnaire was used as the main data gathering instrument. Simple percentage, weighted mean, ranking, and chi-square test of relationship using Statistical Software Program System (SSPS) were the statistical treatments used. The Slovin’s formula was applied to acquire the sample from the population. Ratio and proportion were utilized in order to get the number of students from the entire population who will be included in the study. Proportionate random sampling with the lottery method was applied by putting all the names of the students of each class in a bowl and the names were taken until the desired number of sample in each section was achieved. The study concluded that, 1) The student-nurses reported that they performed the invasive nursing procedures such as urinary catheter insertion, parenteral administration on intramuscular injection, intradermal injection, subcutaneous injection and endotracheal suctioning once every weekly duty or “Sometimes” while “Rarely” frequency or done minimally for nasogastric tube insertion mean, oral/nasal suctioning, and tracheostomy suctioning thus 4-5 duty days per rotation is not enough to acquire skills in the said nursing procedures; 2) The student-nurses possess a “Not So Confident” level of confidence in performing the invasive nursing procedures; 3) Student-nurses’ frequency of performing the invasive clinical procedures significantly relates to their level of confidence in performing the invasive clinical procedures in the clinical areas.

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