The effects of electronic devices on the academic performance as perceived by DLSHSI students

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Cellular Phones, Academic Performance


The study utilized a descriptive, non-experimental form of research. The study involved 536 students from first to fourth year in BSPT, BSOT, BSN and those from the first to third year in BSRT. The respondents of the study was chosen using stratified simple random sampling. The research instrument used was a 2-part questionnaire adapted and modified from the unpublished undergraduate thesis of De Guzman, Olaes, Oasin, and Repica (2011) entitled Effects of Online Social Networking as Perceived by Selected Nursing Students in De La Salle Health Sciences Institute and from the unpublished, undergraduate thesis of Muncada, Palomares, and Trampe (2010) entitled Perception on the Impact of Cyber Socialization on the Sense of Wellbeing of Bachelor of Science in Nursing Batch 2012 of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. Data was analysed using percentage distribution, mean, t-test, and f-test. Majority of the respondents were females, most of them were from BSPT, their duration of usage of electronic device is more than five (5) hours a day, their primary purpose of utilizing electronic device is mainly for research. The respondents agreed that the use of electronic device had effects on their academic performance. There were no significant differences on the effects of electronic devices on the academic performance as perceived by the respondents when grouped according to gender, duration of electronic device use and purpose on the use of electronic device. However, there was a significant difference on the effects of electronic devices on the academic performance as perceived by the respondents when grouped according to course.

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