"Factors affecting clinical performance as perceived by Bachelor of Sci" by Marianne M. Gramatica, Ian Bryan P. Ilustrisimo et al.

Factors affecting clinical performance as perceived by Bachelor of Science in Nursing students batch 2009 of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Clinical competence.


This study used a non-experimental descriptive research design. The researchers prepared a self-made questionnaire as the instrument in gathering data. The respondents of the study are from BS Nursing Batch 2009 of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. They consist of 195 students randomly selected from the nine (9) sections in the 4th year level during which this study is being conducted. The data are subjected to the following statistical treatments in order to attain the objectives of the study: a) frequency distribution and sample percentage; b) mean or statistical average; c) ANOVA or Analysis of Variance and its computed F-test and t-test. The following conclusions were derived from the findings: 1) Majority of the respondents are female, middle child, Catholic and had monthly family income of Php50,001 and above.; 2) Respondents had very good perception that physical, psychosocial and intellectual factors affect their clinical performance; 3) The BS Nursing students Batch 2009 had the same perception on factors affecting their clinical performance regardless of gender, ordinal position and monthly family income. However, their perception of factors which affects their clinical performance differs according to religious affiliation.

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