"Level of knowledge of trained hilots in identifying mothers with high-" by Marione Fides O. Acaba, Jhegie C. Chavez et al.

Level of knowledge of trained hilots in identifying mothers with high-risk pregnancy in selected municipalities of Batangas

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Medicine, Traditional, Pregnancy


The study utilized a descriptive research design where 30 respondents trained hilots from selected municipalities in Batangas were selected using snowballing. The researchers used a two part instrument: the first part was used to identify the profile of the trained hilots and the second part is a 57-item questionnaire derived from the module of Department of Heath, making measures the level of knowledge of trained hilots in identifying high-risk pregnancies. The researchers utilized frequency distribution for the profile and the scores of the respondents, percentage for the profile and the scores of the respondents, mean to identify the knowledge based on the scores and the variables when grouped, standard deviation, and ANOVA which treated the respondents profile when grouped in according to their knowledge. The study concluded that; 1) most of the trained hilots in selected municipalities of Batangas were 71 years old and above, high school undergraduate, trained for more than 6 months, have 21 years or more of experience as trained hilots, and had 1 to 3 encounters with high risk pregnancy; 2) Majority of the trained hilots have high level of knowledge in identifying mothers with a high-risk pregnancy; 3) There are significant differences in the level of knowledge of tained hilots identifying high-risk pregnancy in selected municipalities of Batangas in terms of length of training, years of experience, and the number of times that the hilot encountered high-risk pregnant patient’s. Age and educational background do not affect the level of knowledge of the hilots in identifying high-risk pregnancy.

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