"Perception of post caesarean section patients regarding therapeutic nu" by Ladybird R. Abaday, John James G. Ama et al.

Perception of post caesarean section patients regarding therapeutic nurse-patient interaction

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurse-Patient Relations, Cesarean Section


The study utilized a descriptive non-experimental research design. One hundred (100) patients were chosen and asked to fill out a questionnaire after signing consent. The researchers utilized a 10-item questionnaire which was adapted from the research instrument of Alquisola et al. (2007). The questionnaire comprises the different therapeutic interaction techniques usually rendered by the nurse to his patient in which the patient, on the other hand, will rank it based on his own perception. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test of independent means and f-test were complete. The following are the conclusions based from the data gathered: 1) Most of the respondents are within the age bracket 20 to 34 years (63%). Majority of them attained a College degree or at least have entered College (55%), in a Catholic denomination (83%), and are married (64%); 2) The perception of the respondents on therapeutic nurse-patient interaction reveals that they are very much satisfied with the therapeutic techniques nurses render to them; 3) There are no significant differences on therapeutic nurse-patient interaction when respondents are grouped according to age, civil status, religious affiliation and educational attainment.

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