"Anxiety level of selected mother with children undergoing immunization" by Marjorie Y. Fernandez, Larraine M. Ocampo et al.

Anxiety level of selected mother with children undergoing immunization administrated by student nurses at Imus I barangay health centers

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Vaccines, Anxiety, College Students, Nursing, Mothers


The study utilized the non-experimental descriptive type of research. A total of 100 mothers with children undergoing immunization from June to August 2009 served as respondents of this study. They were the mothers availing immunization for their children in Plaridel, Malagasang and Bucandala II Brgy. Health Centers in Imus I, Cavite. The researchers conducted the study in these barangay health centers because most of the DLSHSI student nurses are having their community duty in these areas. Accidental sampling was employed. The research instrument used is a 20-minute questionnaire adapted and modified by the researchers from the tool used by Artista and Obguia (2001). Data was analyzed through percentage, mean, t-test, f-test and standard deviation. The following conclusions were obtained: 1) Majority of the selected mothers with children undergoing immunization administered by DLSHSI student nurses at barangay health centers in Imus I, Cavite were 22 to 29 years old, Catholic, have monthly family income of P2,001 to P5,000, obtained high school level of education, unemployed, married, have 0 to 3 month old babies being their first or second born child and given DPT immunization; 2) The selected mothers have moderate level of anxiety; 3) The anxiety level of mothers from different age groups, religious affiliations, family income groups, educational attainment, employment status,civil status, age and ordinal position of children undergoing immunization administered by DLSHSI student nurses at Imus I barangay health centers were the same; 4) Mothers with children given Hepa B immunization administered by DLSHSI student nurses at Imus I barangay health centers have higher anxiety level than the mothers with children given BCG, DPT and measles vaccines.

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