"The extent of practice of the different psychotherapeutic modalities b" by Krisna Lyn M. Nada, Angela Mae M. Rivera et al.

The extent of practice of the different psychotherapeutic modalities by the psychiatric nurses of Cavite Center for Mental Health-Trece Martirez City, Cavite.

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Psychiatric Nursing, Physical Therapy Modalities


A non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive type of research design was employed in this study. Purposive sampling was used to choose the respondents. The research instrument was created by the researchers and was validated by experts including faculty members and a psychiatrist. In the analysis of the data gathered, frequency distribution, mean, t-test, ANOVA and percentage were the statistical treatments used in this study. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents are 21-30 years old, female, assigned in the red and green area, with 5 years and below length of service, and with a bachelor’s degree in nursing; 2) The following are the extent of practice of the different psychotherapeutic modalities of psychiatric nurses; moderate extent of practice in cognitive-behavioaral therapy; moderate extent of practice in the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy; moderate extent of practice in the Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy; moderate extent of practice in the Choice Therapy; 3) There is no significant difference in the extent of practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy when the respondents are grouped according to demographic profile such as age, gender, area of assignment, length of service and educational attainment; 4) There is no significant difference in the extent of practice of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy when the respondents are grouped according to demographic profile such as age, gender, area of assignment, length of service and educational attainment; 5) There is no significant difference in the extent of practice of Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy when the respondents are grouped according to demographic profile such as age, gender, area of assignment, length of service and educational attainment; 6) There is no significant difference in the extent of practice of Choice Therapy when the respondents are grouped according to demographic profile such as age, gender, area of assignment, length of service and educational attainment.

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