"Metro Manila development screening test and its perceived significance" by Abellera A. Kathreen, Leann Eliza B. Gutierrez et al.

Metro Manila development screening test and its perceived significance on parental roles of selected mothers from Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Parenting, Mothers


This study utilized a quantitative type of research. The researchers set a population of 100 respondents and were chosen using purposive sampling. The instrument used is a self-made questionnaire which contains 22 questions lifted from the insights of the researchers, from articles in the internet, books and researches. The following statistical treatments were used to answer the specific problems and to test the hypothesis of the study: percentage distribution, frequency distribution, mean and f-test. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the selected mothers from Imus, Cavite were 21 to 35 years old, married, obtained college level of education, have monthly family income of P10,001 to P20,000, have one child, and the family’s source of income were from the father; 2) The selected mothers from Imus, Cavite have very high level of perception regarding the significance of MMDST on parental roles; 3) The perceived significance of MMDST on parental roles of selected mothers from Imus, Cavite posted significant differences when grouped according to civil status, educational attainment, monthly family income and number of children.

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