"Relationship between social support and coping mechanism of parents wi" by Mary Monette D. Maranan, Pauline Ann V. Poblete et al.

Relationship between social support and coping mechanism of parents with special children

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Adaptation, Psychological, Psychosocial Support Systems, Disabled Children, Parenting


This study utilized a descriptive correlational type of research. The study used convenience sampling. The respondents of the study consist of 100 parents who are the primary care givers of special children with either autism, behavioral disorder, chromosomal abnormality, congenital abnormality, developmental delay, mental retardation or hearing impairment; whether a father or mother; must be able to read and write, can understand English or Filipino language; without mental or learning disabilities and is residing within the areas of Cavite. Instruments used was a simple questionnaire. Data was analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean, f-test and t-test. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents of the study were 30 to 39 years old, female, married, college graduate, earning P8,000 and below, belonging to a nuclear family, catholic, with a child ages 6-10 years old and has a child with an exceptionality of autism; 2) The respondents strongly agree with the social support they received from family, friends and neighbors with an overall mean of 3.34; 3) The respondents strong agree with their coping mechanism with an overall mean of 3.27; 4) The social support of the respondents has no significant difference when grouped according to age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, monthly family income, family structure, religious affiliation, age of their child and their children’s type of exceptionality. Thus, it is concluded that these factors do not affect the social support they received; 5) The coping mechanism of the respondents has no significant difference when grouped according to age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, month family income, family structure, religious affiliation, and their childrens type of exceptionality. Thus, it is concluded that these do not affect the coping of the respondents. Coping mechanisms of the respondents when grouped according to age of the child has a significant difference. Thus, it is concluded that the age of the child affects the coping mechanisms of respondents; 6) There is no relationship between social support and coping mechanisms of the respondents. The respondents, regardless of their social support, are able to sustain themselves and cope effectively in raising a child with special needs. Even without social support group, they still provide their child with an environment conducive for love and care by employing coping mechanisms.

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