"Anxiety level of parents of pediatric in patients in relation to their" by Marinelle B. Morena, Gregie G. Reyes et al.

Anxiety level of parents of pediatric in patients in relation to their perception on the carative behavior of students nurses at De La Salle University Medical Center

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurse-Patient Relations, Pediatric Nursing, Students, Nursing, Anxiety


This study utilized the non-experimental correlational type of research. Using accidental and convenience sampling in different wards of De La Salle University Medical Center, 100 parents of pediatric in-patients confined in De La Salle University Medical Center served as the respondents. Data was gathered through a prepared questionnaire to determine the anxiety level of parents of pediatric in-patients. Data was subjected to statistical treatments such as percentage distribution, mean, analysis of variance via f-test, t-test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The study concluded that, 1) Most respondents of the study consisted of the parents who were female, married, Catholic, college graduate, unemployed, below P10,000 monthly family income, and one to three days of hospitalization of the child; 2) On the average, the parents of pediatric in-patients confined at De La Salle University Medical Center have very low level of anxiety towards student nurses taking care of their child; 3) On the average, parents of pediatric in-patients confined at De La Salle University Medical Center have high level of perception on the carative behavior of student nurses at De La Salle University Medical Center; 4) There are no significant differences in the anxiety level of the parents of pediatric in-patients confined at De La Salle University medical Center when grouped according to gender, marital status, educational attainment, monthly family income, and days of hospitalization of the child. However, when grouped according to religion and occupational status, the anxiety level of parents of pediatric in-patients differed significantly; 5) There are no significant differences in the perception on the carative behavior of student nurses at De La Salle University Medical Center when grouped according to gender, marital status, monthly family income, and days of hospitalization of the child; 6) There is a significant relationship between the anxiety level of parents of pediatric in-patients and their perception on the carative behavior of student nurses at De La Salle University Medical Center. This indicates that the lower the anxiety level of the parents of pediatric in-patient, the higher will be the perception towards the carative behavior of the student nurses and vice versa.

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