"Level of knowledge on cervical cancer and compliance on its prevention" by Miguel G. Alintanahin, Sarah Elaine L. Berroya et al.

Level of knowledge on cervical cancer and compliance on its prevention among women in Tanza, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Uterine Cervical Neoplasm, Compliance


The study utilized the quantitative method of research to determine the significant relationship between the level of knowledge on cervical cancer and compliance on its prevention among women in Tanza, Cavite. The study used purposive sampling as the mode of obtaining the required number of respondents. The tool used in this study was formulated by the researchers. The questionnaire consisted of 3 sections: a) demographic data, b) knowledge, c) compliance in the prevention of cervical cancer. The said questionnaire were modified in order to show the level of knowledge on cervical cancer and compliance on its prevention among women. The statistical treatments used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, f-test, t-test and Pearson’s r. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents are 35 to 39 years old, married, high school graduate, with monthly family income of Php8,00 and below and with no family history of cancer; 2) The knowledge of respondents regarding cervical cancer is high; 3) The level of compliance of respondents regarding the prevention of cervical cancer is high; 4) There is no significant difference on the level of knowledge of the respondents regarding cervical cancer when grouped according to age, civil status, educational attainment, monthly family income and family history of cancer; 5) There is no significant difference on the level of compliance of the respondents on the prevention of cervical cancer. However, there is a significant difference on the level of compliance of the respondents on the prevention of cervical cancer when it is grouped according to monthly family income; 6) There is no significant relationship between the level of knowledge and the level of compliance regarding the prevention of cervical cancer among the respondents.

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