"A comparative study on the performance of working and non working moth" by Kathleen Leira O. Maliksi, Precious Gay O. Orizal et al.

A comparative study on the performance of working and non working mothers in maintaining the nutritional status of their pre school children

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Parenting, Child Rearing, Women, Working, Nutritional Status, Children


This study used the non-experimental, descriptive type of research. Purposive sampling was used in selecting respondents. The sample was composed of 100 mothers with three to five years old child/children residing in Malagasang II A, B and C, Imus, Cavite, 50 working and 50 non-working mothers were purposively chosen as sample based on predetermined records of Barangay Health Center from year 2005 to 2010. A self-made Likert type of questionnaire was used to gather the data needed for the study. Statistical techniques used were frequency, percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA. The study concluded that, 1) Most of the working mothers in Malagasang II-A-C Imus, Cavite are between ages 31 to 35 years, married, have a family income of P10,000 and below, have 1 to 3 children and have attained college degree. On the other hand, non-working mothers are in between ages 31 to 35 years, married, have a family income of P10,000 and below, have 1 to 3 children and attained secondary level of education; 2) Working mothers have low performance in maintaining the nutritional status of the preschool children in terms of food preparation as evidenced by the mean value of 2.4120, while they have high performances in maintaining the nutritional status of the preschool children in terms of food selected, food service and food supplements; 3) Non-working mothers have higher performance in maintaining the nutritional status of the preschool children in terms of food selection, food preparation, and food service. However, no significant difference was noted between role performance of working and nonworking mothers in terms of food supplement; 4) There was no significant difference on the role performance of working and non-working mothers in maintaining the nutritional status of their preschool children when grouped in terms of age, civil status, educational attainment and number of children. However, there was a significant difference on the role performance of the working mothers in terms of monthly family income; 5) There was a significant difference between the role performance of working and non-working mothers in maintaining the nutritional status of the preschoolers.

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