"A comparative study on social adaptative behavior of special children " by Victor Alex T. Manahan, Maria Meraldine . L. Osal et al.

A comparative study on social adaptative behavior of special children enrolled in private and public special education schools

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Adaptation, Psychological, Disabled Children


The study utilized a comparative descriptive type of research design. Purposive sampling was used to obtain a population of 100 special children who are enrolled in a public and private special education school for at least one year, wherein 50 special children enrolled in public special education school and 50 in a private special education school. Self-made questionnaire was used as a research instrument. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution, mean, t-test and f-test. The study concluded that, 1) Most of the special children in public special education schools are male and nine (9) years old; 2) Most of the special children in private special education schools are female and 12 years old; 3) The special children from public school have moderate social adaptive behavior while the special children from private school have high social adaptive behavior; 4) The results implied that the social adaptive behaviors of the special children in public and private special education schools had significant difference; 5) Social adaptive behaviors of nine (9) to 12 year old male and female special children in public special education schools had no significant difference; 6) Social adaptive behaviors of 12 year old male special children in private special education schools are higher than the younger special children.

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