"Perceived critical thinking skills of fourth year nursing students in " by Janine Marie G. Bravo, Recyl A. Del Rosario et al.

Perceived critical thinking skills of fourth year nursing students in selected schools in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Clinical Competence, College Students, Nursing, Thinking


This study utilized the non-experimental descriptive type of research design using probability sampling wherein there is random selection of elements from the population. The sampling technique used is the fish bowl technique. The researchers utilized an adopted and modified questionnaire which underwent face and content validation. Statistical treatments used were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents belong to the 17-20 age group, female, took nursing as first degree and with nursing program that has been operational for 6-10 years in their institution; 2) The perceived critical thinking skills of fourth year nursing students in selected schools in Cavite categorized into behavior, knowledge and skills are very good; 3) There are no significant differences in the perceived critical thinking skills of fourth year nursing students in selected schools in Cavite when the respondents are grouped according to gender, number of years the nursing program has been operational and pre-nursing degree There is significant difference in the perceived critical thinking skills of fourth year nursing students in selected schools in Cavite when the respondents are grouped according to age.

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