"The level of knowledge of mothers with children ages 0-12 years old in" by Michelle Anne M. Albano, Alyssa Marie P. Dele Cruz et al.

The level of knowledge of mothers with children ages 0-12 years old in selected Barangays of Imus, Cavite regarding common communicable diseases

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Communicable Diseases, Children, Mothers, Public Health


The study utilized a descriptive non-experimental research design. The respondents were 100 randomly selected residents of Barangays of Imus, Cavite and chosen using purposive sampling. Self-made tool with a four (4) point scale that was subjected to validation by qualified faculty members of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery. Frequency, percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA were the statistical tools used in the study. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents were mothers ages 21 to 30 years old, with 1-2 children, high school graduates, with a monthly income of P5,001 to P15,000, unemployed and had previous experience on the diseases; 2) The respondents have a moderate level of knowledge about the common communicable diseases, specifically measles, mumps, chicken pox, dengue fever and influenza; 3) There was a significant difference in the level of knowledge when grouped according to educational attainment, monthly income, employment status and previous experience on the diseases. There was no significant difference in the level of knowledge when grouped according to their age and number of children

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