"Factors affecting the compliance of pregnant women on prenatal care in" by Ryan Albert L. Aman, Hannah Khamillo A. Bayalan et al.

Factors affecting the compliance of pregnant women on prenatal care in selected barangays in Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Prenatal Care, Compliance


This study utilized descriptive type of research wherein a survey form was used. One hundred (100) pregnant women were chosen using purposive sampling. Self-made questionnaire was used for data gathering. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution, percentage, mean, F-test and t-test of independent means. Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents in the study were 27 to 35 years old, married, Catholic, high school undergraduates, unemployed, had a monthly family income of Php10,000 and below and already had their first pregnancy; 2) The respondents strongly agreed that the factors affecting the compliance on prenatal care were knowledge on prenatal care, accessibility to health resources, presence or availability of health personnel, socioeconomic status and influence of family and friends; 3) There were significant differences on the factors affecting the compliance of the respondents when grouped according to civil status and educational attainment. On the other hand, there were no significant differences on the factors affecting the compliance of the respondents when grouped according to age, religion, employment status, monthly family income and number of pregnancy.

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