"Lived experiences of parents taking care of children with leukemia" by Joyce Pearl Mendoza, Diane Suzette Patiño et al.

Lived experiences of parents taking care of children with leukemia

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Quality of Life, Leukemia, Children, Parents


The study was conducted using the phenomenological approach of qualitative research design through purposive and snowball sampling. The participants were the parents acting as the primary caregiver of children who were diagnosed of any type of leukemia. Statements considered significant were obtained out of the transcripts. Data was analyzed using the Colaizzi’s phenomenological approach steps. The study concluded that, 1) Parents had courage, stood up and fought back; 2) Parents learned how to sacrifice, change is a must; 3) Parents’ shaken faiths were rebuilt into better and stronger faith; 4) Parents learn to accept the reality of life through time; 5) Parents’ most definitive purpose is to love.

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