"Perception of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute nursing students b" by Sandra Grace T. Aquino, Neil A. Franco et al.

Perception of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute nursing students batch 2011 on their clinical experience at 1300 station of De La Salle University Medical Center

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Clinical Competence, Students, Nursing


The study utilized quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive type of research design. Two hundred twenty-two De La Salle Health Sciences Institute nursing students batch 2011 were chosen as respondents of the study. Quota sampling was used in the study. Students were categorized into Team A and Team B according to their section and then selected conveniently based on their availability after class hours. An adapted and modified instrument was used in the research. In the analysis of data frequency, percentage, mean, t-test and f-test were used as the statistical treatment to answer specific problems, to analyze the data and to test the hypothesis. The following conclusions were formulated: 1) Majority of the respondents are female, had an exposure at station 1300 of De La Salle University Medical Center for seven (7) to ten (10) days and 14 days or more, were living at their own residency, have a monthly allowance of 2,000 pesos and below and are ambivert; 2) The student nurses of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute batch 2011 believed that their overall performance in the clinical setting is indicative of their competence and efficiency in terms of interpersonal, knowledge and skill experiences; 3) There is a significant difference in the perception of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute nursing students when grouped according to gender, length of exposure, monthly allowance and type of personality. However, there is no significant difference when the respondents were grouped according to type of residency.

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