"Analysis of emotional responses of primigravida towards maternal chanc" by Bon Kevin V. Argel, Julianne Maureen G. Bayla et al.

Analysis of emotional responses of primigravida towards maternal chances during pregnancy in selected communities in Imus, Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Pregnancy, Psychology


The study utilized a quantitative non-experimental descriptive type of research. Using quota and purposive sampling technique, the study was conducted in four (4) selected communities in Imus, Cavite, particularly in Bayan Luma II, Bayan Luma V, Bucandala I and Malagasang II-D. There were 100 respondents from 18 to 49 years old.. The instrument used is a self-made questionnaire. divided into two parts: part 1 pertains to the demographic data of the respondents while part two focused on the emotional responses of primigravida related to changes during pregnancy. The main statistical treatments used in this study are frequency distribution, mean and f-test (ANOVA). The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the primagravida women in selected communities in Imus, Cavite are 18-25 years old, on their second trimester of pregnancy, married, have high school education, and have monthly income of P10,000 and below; 2) The primagravida women in selected communities in Imus, Cavite have moderate level of extent of emotional responses during pregnancy; 3) There are no significant differences on the emotional responses of primgravida women towards maternal changes during pregnancy in selected communities in Imus, Cavite when grouped according to age, trimester of pregnancy, and monthly income but has a significant difference when grouped according to civil status and educational attainment.

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