"The learning styles of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De L" by Katha Myumi C. Bautista, Aileene Wein DC. Estilles et al.

The learning styles of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of De La Salle - Health Sciences Campus Batch 2008

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Cognitive Styles, Students, Nursing


The study utilized the descriptive research design. The population included the whole second year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of DLS-HSC Batch 2008 with a total number of 337 selected using purposive sampling technique. Excluding the students who participated in pre-testing the tool, 322 students served as respondents in the actual study. Questionnaire was used for data gathering. Data was analyzed through relative frequency and chi-square test. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the nursing students Batch 2008 of DLS-HSC were female and introvert; 2) Majority of the nursing students had the kinesthetic learning style; 3) There was no significant difference in the learning styles of nursing students of DLS-HSC Batch 2008 when grouped according to gender and personality type.

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