"A study regarding work-related stressors as perceived by operating roo" by John Ronie C. Cadiz, Neil Andrew C. Malabay et al.

A study regarding work-related stressors as perceived by operating room nurses in selected hospitals in Cavite

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Occupational Stress, Nurses, Operating Rooms, Operating Room Nursing, Perioperative Nursing


The study utilized a non-experimental descriptive method of research. The respondents were composed of 53 operating room nurses chosen using purposive sampling technique. A self-made questionnaire was prepared and measured through Likert scale. Data was analyzed through percentage, mean, f-test, standard deviation and t-test. The study concluded that, 1) Majority of the respondents were 20-25 years old, female, single, working for 48 hours in a week and had been working in the hospital for 1-3 years; 2) Majority of the respondents perceived that they were sometimes affected by work-related stressors; 3) There was no significant difference in the perception of operating room nurses regarding work-related stressors when grouped according to age, gender, civil status, length of duty hours and length of service.

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