"Level of knowledge of nutrition and its influence on the food practice" by Al Josef D. Marasigan, Ma. Katrina B. Pernito et al.

Level of knowledge of nutrition and its influence on the food practices of nursing students of De La Salle - Health Sciences Campus Batch 2008

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Students, Nursing, Nutrition, Food


This study utilized the descriptive method of research. The respondents involved 100% of third year nursing students of De La Salle Health Sciences Campus chosen using purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire was used for data gathering. Frequency distribution as percentage, mean, f-test, t-test and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation were the statistical analysis techniques applied. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the respondents are female, Catholic, living in their family homes, have the family history of illness and with a family monthly income of above P30,000; 2) The level of students’ knowledge regarding nutrition is in the average level. The students were influenced by different factors such as religion, culture, family history of illness, monthly income and source of information like mass media and school. These factors greatly affect the knowledge and perception of the respondents. Most of them have the same physiological needs (water, food, clothing, shelter) that also affect the knowledge of the respondents; 3) The influence of knowledge on nutrition on the food practices of nursing students is moderate in degree, specifically in terms of food selected and food preparation. There is a high degree of influence in terms of food service. The respondents follow appropriate food practices sometimes, probably because respondents spend most of their time in school; 4) There is no significant difference in the level of knowledge on nutrition when grouped according to gender, place of residency, family history of illness, religion and family income. This is caused by the commonalities of the respondents in beliefs, practices and sources of information because they all have passed the same program for nutrition offered by the undergraduate course; 5) There is no significant difference in the degree of influence of knowledge on nutrition on the food practices in terms of food preparation, food selection and food service of nursing students when grouped according to gender, place of residency, family history of illness and family income because they belong to the same group, have passed the same program for nutrition and most of them belong to the same socio-economic class; 6) There is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge on nutrition and food practices of nursing students. During the process of food selection, the knowledge about nutrition is applied. For food preparation, the knowledge about nutrition is not being used because the students do not prepare their own food. For the food service, the knowledge about nutrition is not being used frequently because they choose their own food not according to their knowledge about nutrition, but how the food seems to be appealing to their senses.

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