"Life's lessons from the pressure cooker lived experiences of second ye" by Erwin L. Eroles, Jennifer Cresida O. Flores et al.

Life's lessons from the pressure cooker lived experiences of second year nursing students of De La Salle - Health Sciences Campus

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nursing Education, Educational Methods, Teaching


Phenomenological approach was used in the study. Purposive sampling technique was utilized to select seven (7) participants from second year nursing students Batch 2008 Team A. Data was gathered through interview using a tape recorder. Colaizzis’ method was used in data analysis. The study concluded that, some participants viewed return demonstration as a threatening experience while others considered it is as an exciting and enjoyable experience. They enumerated several factors that affected their performance during return demonstration. The time limitation for rehearsing hindered the students from performing better than they did. Clinical instructors made them nervous and anxious. Parenteral drug administration and vital signs taking was found to be the most significant first-time return demonstrations among the nursing procedures. The study further noted that the school and the professors played an important part in the participant’s experiences. They are responsible for the makings of an effective nurse because they mold the students to be competent. As implementers of the curriculum, the professors are influential factors in the skills development of the students.

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