"Beliefs, attitudes, and practices of diabetic clients in selected comm" by Bill Papa

Beliefs, attitudes, and practices of diabetic clients in selected communities in Cavite regarding utilization of ampalaya as an anti-diabetic preparation


Bill Papa

Date of Completion


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Diabetes Mellitus, Herbal Medicine, Plant Preparations


A descriptive research design was used in this study. Purposive sampling and network sampling techniques were utilized in selecting the respondents who were 60 diabetic clients that utilized amplaya as part of their diabetic treatment regimen. A self-made questionnaire was pre-tested to 10 diabetic clients who use some form of ampalaya food supplement. The statistical treatments applied were percentage, frequency, mean and chi-square test. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Majority of the diabetic clients belong to the age bracket of 25 years old and above, female, married, belong to P10,000 and below economic bracket, non-college graduate, both diabetic type 1 and 2, and from non-health professions; 2) Majority of the respondents believed in ampalaya supplement’s ability to lower blood sugar level, amplaya supplement’s ability to control diabetes along with diet, exercise and insulin, consulting a physician before using amplaya supplements, amplaya supplement containing multi-vitamin and multi-mineral’s ability to increase the body’s resistance to illness, ampalya supplement’s ability to strengthen the body’s elimination system, and ampalaya is not a cure. Majority did not believe that it only takes a few days for it to take effect; 3) Majority of the respondents’ attitude towards the utilization of amplaya were health improvement due to ampalaya, feeling of rejuvenation after one (1) hour of taking ampalaya supplement, trusting the doctor’s orders regarding treatment regimen, and satisfaction with the quality of life due to the positive effects of ampalaya. Majority disagreed about taking ampalaya supplement only when blood sugar level is high; 4) Majority of respondents’ practices were exercising with the use of ampalaya supplement, taking ampalaya supplement after meal, buying ampalaya supplement because it is affordable, using ampalaya supplement with other diabetic medication, consulting with a doctor before using ampalaya supplement, adhering to diabetic diet, regularly monitoring the blood sugar level, and regularly consulting with their doctor; 5) The socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, civil status, monthly family income, educational attainment, diabetic type, and occupation, did not affect the beliefs of diabetics who utilized ampalaya as an anti-diabetic preparation; 6) The socio-demographic variables, such as age, gender, civil status, monthly family income, educational attainment, diabetic type, and occupation, did not affect the attitude of diabetics who utilized ampalaya as an anti-diabetic preparation; 7) The socio-demographic variables, such as age, gender, civil status, monthly family income, educational attainment, diabetic type, and occupation, did not affect the practices of diabetics who utilized ampalaya as an anti-diabetic preparation.

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